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During the Master's degree course, I worked in a team to design the showcase site of an app for giving away and receiving old or unused items.

Cover Image

The aim of the project was to design and build a website describing one initiative among the 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


The realization of the project started after our teachers gave us the brief. Our aim was to design and develop a website with a human-centered approach in a simulated context where time and resources were limited.

The main theme of the site was relative to the online communication of an hypothetical project that had to meet one of the goals from 2030 Agenda.

Project Output

Starting from these premises, it was born ReUse.

We created the visual identity and a showcase website for an application which would allow users to donate and receive second-hand items between privates and to give away unsold products from companies. This would favour the reuse of items and the fight against waste.

This project meets goal 12 from the 2030 Agenda that is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, in particular covering the aspects of a substantial reduction in waste generation by means of prevention, recycling and reuse.

Once defined the idea, we looked for possible existing realities in Italy in this field to identify some opportunities in the design process.

Competitor analysis

In this phase, we carried out a general benchamrking by analysing three entities which already brought something similar to our idea. From this analysis, we summarised for each competitor its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for our project.

Competitor 1
Competitor 2
Competitor 3
Button Prev
Button Next

In the next phase, we restricted the targets of our application to outline what kind of user we had to reach with our idea.

Some data

In order to identify our target users, we examined the study "Gli italiani e lo sviluppo sostenibile" carried out by Green media lab and Norstat, which underlines the different interconnections (environmental, social and economic) crossing the sustainable development in Italy.

In this research study, several aspects of Italians were considered, from value orientation to sustainability to environmental attitudes adopted by the surveyed users.

In the study, the majority of the surveyed (80,4%) affirmed that the concept of sustainability was clear. Even a larger group (89,2%) declared being sensitive to this topic and believed that the main contributions to a sustainable development are environmental (95%), social (93,2%) and economic ones (89,4%).

Younger surveyed were more sensitive towards environmental issues, whereas female surveyed and people with a higher degree of education were more sensitive to social issues. Economic issues were the main concern of the male surveyed and people more vulnerable on the job market, both in terms of age (young people under 35 and people between 56-65 years of age) and in terms of education (mostly people with low-middle level of education).

A third of the surveyed (31,9%) stated that they knew what is the 2030 Agenda; among those, almost 70% (so the 23% of the total surveyed) demonstrated a real understanding of the Agenda and nearly half of them (so the 16,6% from the total) identified the United Nations as the promoter of the initiative. Again, both generation Z and higher level educated surveyed showed to aknowledge not only the Agenda, but also its goals.

Proto Personas

Since we didn't have enough time to carry out our interviews and surveys, we created some proto personas based only on our experience and our hypothesis, supported by the data previously analysed. In this way, we defined our ideal users for whom we, as a team, would design our website.

Proto Personas

From here, we designed the concept and the visual identity of ReUse, putting together the first pieces useful for building our presentation site of the project.


The main idea around which we developed our work was to give new life to old things, to add color to forgotten or unused items. So, the visual identity was an attempt to juxtapose the vintage world with the bright colors of modernity.

This refers to a broader idea about contemporary circular economy, dictated by the principles of environmental sustainability, reuse and willingness to gift.



Once defined the concept, we visually represented the idea, trying to create a map of inspiration to clarify the aspects to follow in the next phases of the project to the whole team. After research and refinement, we reached a moodboard, a color palette and some initial idea of the fonts.

This map was the starting point for the building of a system design and the graphical components of the site.


Design System

Since we needed a coherent website, from the beginning we planned an essential design system consisting of a typrographic hierarchy, color palette and main buttons for mobile devices and desktops.

Afterwards, it was enriched of other graphical recurrent components, as we progressed in building the visual structure of the website.

Design System

We outlined the main aspects that were necessary to communicate our product in order to sketch an information architecture of the website.


We focused on the structure of the website, defining the number of pages that we had to create and the function of each of them in our project:

  • Home page. It's the main page of the site, it summarises our mission and explains the purpose of our application. It features some calls to action that return to some details in other pages of our site.
  • Mission. Our mission responds to the 12th goal of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This page informs the users of the theme regarding the application.
  • About us. Description of our team, motivations behind the realization of the site and brief introduction to companies that share the vision of the project.
  • App. Description and images of the application with information for privates and companies.
  • Events. Page displaying the events associated to the project and to the world of circular economy in Italy.
  • Community. Page dedicated to our community, in which it is possible to get information about groups associated to environmental sustainability and reuse of second-hand items.

In the last phase, we prototyped the site, starting from the construction of wireframes to a final high fidelity prototype.


Through the construction of wireframes, we connected the conceptual structure of the site to its first visual representation, both for mobile and desktop version.
Then, by means of wireflows, we mapped the elements that the users visualized on each screen and the possible actions on them.

Wireflow Desktop Wireflow Mobile

High fedelity prototype

After having clearly defined the conceptual organization of the content, we focused on the graphic design of the website by means of high fidelity prototypes, both for mobile and desktop versions.

In this phase, we referred to the visual style and to the design system previously defined in a way that we could obtain a coherent work with our tone of voice.

Prototype Desktop